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The FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC®), is a robotics competition that includes a series of stages and tasks that each teams robot must perform. The robots are built by a team of high-school-aged students and a small group of mentors. Teams work from January to early March to make unique and creative designs to compete in West Palm Beach in early March. Each robot is scored based off their ability to complete each task. Points can get removed when groups break a competition rule or the robot violates the arena guidelines. Whichever team gets the highest score moves onto compete on a higher level in Houston Texas then onto Arkansas. Every year the mission changes, and robotics team given a new challenge! The 2021-2022 season challenge is called 'Rapid React' and according to the official FRC website: "Teams will explore the future of transportation. From the shipment of packages in rural and urban areas, to disaster relief delivery and high-tech air transits, teams will re-imagine faster, more reliable, inclusive, and sustainable transportation innovations that better connect and grow communities and economies around the world." 


-For more information on this years competition use the link below-




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